The time clock management tool,  TimeCom® Monitor from Accu-Time Systems® is a valuable web based tool that allows real-time visibility into key information related to your TimeCom deployment. HR and IT professionals gain significant benefits from the TimeCom monitor with an actionable view into the current status of employee information, time clock details, and more. Additionally, the TimeCom Monitor provides the opportunity to prevent any potential future issues with communication or system operation.

time clock management tool
“Before we committed to investing in the software, we conducted a thorough evaluation and competitive analysis. Not until that was complete did we determine that Accu-Time was the right solution for us.” 

Abbie Brown,
Bowdoin’s Vice President of Enterprise
Systems and Project Management

Abbie Brown, Bowdoin College

 TimeCom™Monitor Features include: 

  • Ability to search for specific employee or time terminal related information including punches, employee status, biometric templates, and more.
  • Access to valuable reports that deliver go-live system level information and everyday status details with intuitive indicators. These include: file integration status, time collection device status, biometric enrollment, punch rate, and punches for previous 24 hours.
  • Easily update account profile settings
  • A direct link to customer service from the portal allows support requests to be immediately logged (with the option of 7 different languages).